Why is the world so crazy about road trips and travelling?

Robert Louis Stevenson once said :
“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.”

Driver's hands on steering wheel

It’s true, isn’t it? The great affair is to move. I would always wonder “why is the world so crazy about road trips and travelling?”

There is something about having your heart pumped up with energy and thrill and adventure, while your mind plays with peace. There is something about looking out of the window at the constructions that carry their identity with such grace. Something about looking at people change their expressions, being thousand in number, but having the same look in their eyes when they get happy or sad. There’s something about listening to music with a body in comfort zone.

There’s definitely something about travelling by road.
Everything said and done, what about the cons? No matter how beautiful it might sound, there are some major setbacks to the ‘travel by road’ idea. First of all, the expense. If I have to travel from one city to another, it would cost me so much more than the normal transport. Secondly, my safety. I wouldn’t know if the driver is well trained or if the car has its papers or not. Thirdly, I would be unaware of how much I should be technically paying, and will end up paying more than required. What about all these things?

So, there’s me and people like me who would waste time complaining, and then there’s Gozo, which actually worked on the drawbacks, and is now letting people enjoy the advantages.

For starters, let’s face it, money is pretty big a deal when it comes to travelling. Eugene Fodor said : “You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” If we try to think about this in today’s world, it wouldn’t be the most appropriate sentence, would it? I think Gozo paid attention to this one real close. It lets you pay for a ONE way trip. So in case, you’re travelling from Pune to Mumbai, you pay for that ride itself and Gozo arranges for its drivers. Thus, you end up saving 25% of your money. Sounds like a big sale, doesn’t it?

About being worried about the driver and the car, since there are so many services that have been unsafe. Well, Gozo has a team of licensed and well trained drivers. Not just the driver, the car has all the papers that could be required, ready. So the passenger can be at peace and not worry about anything.

Oh, and the part about being unaware. Gozo sends its passenger the complete information. The distance in kilometres, the tolls that lay ahead, the expenditure, everything, in record. Isn’t that just great?

Now, THAT sounds like a complete package to a normal being.

Maybe there IS something about travelling by road and it’s your turn to find that out. Give Gozo a shot, and I’m sure they wouldn’t disappoint.

See you on the other side (of the city)!
