The Power of Online reviews — Used or Misused?

There is insane power in online reviews and honest crowdsourced reviews can say a lot about how a company treats its customers. That online reputation. is worth its weight in gold.

Customers trust online reviews because they *think* the crowdsourced nature of these online reviews help them see the real picture of how a company treats and serves its users.  Unfortunately, NOT all is how it appears. 

We founded Gozo with the aim to improve the ‘transparency’ and ‘quality of user experience’ in the road transportation market across India. Over the last 5 years, Gozo has grown steadily and spread its reach to every corner of the Great nation of India. 

“With great power comes great responsibility” – Winston Churchill 

We have had to deal with a variety of  challenges dealing with ‘dishonesty in online reputation’.  

Up until today, we’ve dealt with this by simply standardizing on Google & TripAdvisor as two external review websites who we have seen to be diligent in weeding out fake and/or  biased reviews. 

Then there were others who either were unable to police the reviews for bad behavior. And  businesses that prefer to abuse the great power vested in them by users who trust their data.  Considering that each business is built to its preferred ethical standard, we chose a handful of sites where we want our customers to share their feedback and grievances about Gozo.

We actively collect feedback from our customers and work to learn from & resolve their complaints. If we fall short or are unable to address things to a customer’s satisfaction, then the customer is free to tell the world about us and we prefer that you do so on platforms that strive to an ethical standard that we hold in high regard. 

If you place a review on websites that in our view do not live up to a honest quality standard, we do not respond as we have no way to establish your authenticity as a customer or the trustworthiness of the feedback.

While we continually find Gozo reviews on various platforms, we specifically have chosen to boycott  quite some time ago. After direct first-hand interactions with the MouthShut team we got direct view of their business model. We do not agree with the MouthShut approach and how they seem to have their business around monetizing any online business’s desire to have a positive online reputation, whether its deserving or not.

So far, I had thought these to be part of the business space and I did not feel this topic warranted any more attention . Some experiences we’ve had in the recent days have reminded me of the need to share this with our readers and customers. 

We are very thankful for the love and loyalty that our customers have bestowed on us. Each of us Gozens are mindful to to exercise extra diligence in our actions so we can deliver beyond your expectations anytime you bestow us with your trust in taking you safely from place A to B wherever you travel, whenever you do.

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