Enjoy The Unforgettable Vistas of Gujarat !

Exciting Peek to the Past:


Gujarat’s heritage sites are truly authentic and wondrous in its exquisite preservation of a bygone era. Champaran, a UNESCO World heritage site, is 45km from Vadodara and has several large and prominent mosque signifying its golden era as the Capital of Gujarat during the Mughal reign. The detailed carvings and jaali around the pillared courtyard is a very impressive structure. Nagina Masjid built on a high plinth having three standing domes over the main hall and a nearby cenotaph with impressively carved and niches is another striking mosque among others.


World famous Wildlife Sanctuaries:


Gujarat is home to world famous wildlife sanctuaries, the most prominent among them being the Gir. Gir National Park is the only natural habitat to the rare Asiatic Lions. When a longer safari is not possible lack of enough time visit the Gir Interpretation Zone and see some Asiatic Lions in captivity. The undulating grasslands of the Pania Wildlife Sanctuary preserve Chinkara or he India Gazella. Mitiyala Wildlife Sanctuary, once part of the royal estate of Bhavnagar, is home to leopards, spotted deer, blue bull , wild boars. Driving around in winters is the best way to explore it.

Meeting the Mahatma:


The port town of Porbandar houses the kirti Mandir renowned as the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi. A library , a prayer hall , his memorabilia and photos exibit on the life and times of Mahatma make interesting experiences. Kaba Gandhi no Delo, the official residence of Karamchand Gandhi, the father of Mahatma, when he was the diwan of Rajkot state now offers a pictorial tour of the headquarter of Gandhiji for two years he moved on to the Sabarmati Ashram on the banks of Sabarmati river. A much modern and multimedia portrayal on the life of the Nation can be viewed at the Dandi Kutir in Gandhinagar.

Memorable Masterpieces:


Gujarat has a rich legacy of weaving and handicrafts, encompassing disciplines like embroidery , tie & dye, block printing =, beadwork , metakworking, woodcarving, lacquer work , pottery, marquetry , quilting, stone carving , etc. During festival like Navaratri heavily embroidered traditional costumes are worn by the people especially the dancers. Handicrafts techniques are passed down generation to generation. That’s why handicrafts are alive well today in Gujarat.
