Many of our customers travel to and from Uttarakhand, so we want to keep you updated on some route changes due to the recent heavy rainfall.


The recent rainfall has affected many routes and has led to route diversion for next few days. The usual route from Delhi to Dehradun is through Roorkee but now it has been diverted through Shyamli adding nearly 4 hours to the typical travel time between Delhi and Dehradun area (Rishikesh, Dehradun, Mussoorie etc). 

Uttarakhand is facing heavy rainfalls since Saturday. Nainital has received the highest amount of rainfall,closely followed by Mussoorie ranging from 96 mm to 100 mm . The heavy showers also have triggered landslides consistently, blocking the National Highway leading to Badrinath and Kedarnath shrines. The rains also led to a rise in the water level of major rivers flowing through Uttarakhand.

 Various routes have been blocked due to the fear of floods.The holy month of “savan” begins tomorrow but people heading towards ” kanvads ” are prohibited to travel through cars . Hopefully the rains will stop by Sunday as suggested by the weather forecasts enabling us to provide you with uninterrupted services.